My experience with the animal-human relationship

It’s been a while since I last shared a blog article. This topic is so vibrant for me that I consciously choose to share it, knowing that it may disturb many.

Over the past few years, my connection with animals has taken a 360-degree turn. It was through the exploration of various personal journey programs that I became aware that another type of relationship was possible: a relationship of assistance between equals.

So, I made the conscious choice to no longer think of myself as superior to animals, their master, their owner, or their savior. I simply became a guide. Someone who offers them the opportunity to share life experiences with them freely.

The power of nature

Must we ask a tree to grow? To grow leaves? To produce fruit? Do we ask a flower to bloom? No. They both do it naturally without question. They are what they are by their very nature. They instinctively know where the water, sunlight and nutrients are. Each of them is complete, whole and perfect as they are without any human intervention. We can assist them with additional water, fertilizer or pruning, but we cannot force them to live.

Similarly, wild animals have lived without humans for millennia. They are born, grow up and experience life in their own way. Nature provides everything they need to exist. They are whole by their very nature. They do not need us to survive.

However, in our society, we strive to control the lives of the animals around us. We select their physical appearance (breed genetics), choose their food, their environment, their companions, even their activities.

The control that we have been exercising over them for such a long time has resulted in exponential increases in animal stress, and the resulting ailments are numerous:

  • anxiety, fears and panic attacks
  • reactivity, aggressiveness between animals or with other species such as humans
  • abnormal vocalization (constant barking, meowing in the night,…)
  • self-mutilation, self-inflicted wounds
  • destruction of the environment or overprotection of resources
  • obesity
  • auto immune disorders, allergies
  • etc

Whole, complete and perfect beings

Pets are whole, complete and perfect beings in their own right. They are whole because they are able to breathe, feed, grow, experience and thrive on their own. They can communicate, express themselves and exercise choice.

They don’t really need a human to exist. However, we are able to provide a safe, rich and beautiful environment for them to grow up healthy and share a beautiful life experience with us. A true collaboration between species, a relationship of assistance.

A relationship between equals

Each day we have the option to choose to experience a different relationship.

This relationship is based on the acknowledgement that animals have the power and ability to choose, to guide, to communicate. More and more research is proving that their intelligence is beyond what we have allowed them to demonstrate.

As for humans, each animal communicates in its own way and chooses to live different experiences. Each one is unique, and expresses itself in different ways.

We have the opportunity to recognize their need for freedom because they are whole, complete and perfect beings beyond human existence. To acknowledge their ability to live without us but to choose to continue their life path WITH us. As a companion. We can then reconnect to the pure joy and unconditional love that resides within the Animal-Human Relationship.

Every day that dawns is an opportunity for me to deepen the relationship I have with animals. Over the years, my relationship with animals has changed. They have gone from being my protectors and confidants to being my inspiration, to being their own whole and complete beings.

Several times a day, I take a moment to pause and look at the animals around me. Looking at them makes me smile, calms me, allows me to be present and at peace with what is. They have become an infinite source of inspiration for me. It is their way of assisting me to remain in harmony with life.

How do they assist you?

Madeleine Tremblay
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